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NARFE Magazine Recognized with APEX 2018 Award for Publishing Excellence - North Carolina Federation (NCNARFE)

NARFE Magazine Recognized with APEX 2018 Award for Publishing Excellence


Alexandria, VA – The National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association (NARFE) has been honored with an APEX 2018 Award for Publication Excellence for “Federal Cybersecurity Shortage,” a NARFE Magazine article written by David Tobenkin. This year marks the 30th anniversary of the APEX awards program, an annual competition for publishers, editors, writers and designers who create print, web, electronic and social media. More than 1,400 entries were submitted overall, and NARFE was one of 24 recipients of APEX’s coveted Award for Publication Excellence in Feature Writing.

“APEX awards recognize best-practices in graphic design, editorial content and the ability to achieve overall communications excellence,” said Ken Turtoro, executive director of Communications CONCEPTS which manages the awards program.

“We are thrilled to hear about this recognition of NARFE Magazine and David in particular,” said Helen Mosher, Vice President of Communications at NARFE. “David’s understanding, analysis and articulation of complex issues facing Federal workers and retirees is a testament to his exceptional journalistic abilities and a benefit to NARFE Magazine readers.”

“Federal Cybersecurity Shortage,” published in the November 2017 issue of NARFE Magazine, examines the challenge of cybersecurity threats to the federal government from a personnel perspective. From competing against the private sector to recruit and retain skilled professionals to the lack of preparedness and implementation of cyber security protocols within various federal agencies, Tobenkin explores the progress made by agencies to better understand cyber security skills and position requirements alongside the issue of lower and less competitive starting salaries particularly among younger employees.

A freelance writer in Washington, DC, Tobenkin has written extensively on a range of topics spanning post-secondary education, real estate, human resources, technology, economics, healthcare and the federal workforce.

NARFE Magazine is NARFE’s monthly flagship publication, featuring expert insight on retirement planning, healthcare, social security and other earned benefits and legislation that affect federal employees and retirees. NARFE magazine has a circulation of 200,000.ganization, NARFE represents the interests of 5 million current and future federal annuitants, spouses and survivor

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